Wednesday, February 13, 2013


     Well this game marks the end of the regular season soccer games as our team played our teams local rival team Citrus United.  The boys like to add excitement to the game by drawing it out to the second half of the game as the score at half time was 0-0. However the coach had different plans and had some wise words at the half because the team changed it up the second half by scoring goals one after one. Austin had the third goal! His normal position is center defender, so his role this year is more towards the low scores of goals against the team.  (I wish I had it on video but the batteries didn't last.) Ending the game with a 5-0 Victory and a 13-1 season record. 64 goals scored this season / 8 goals scored against us.

     Our tournament games are coming up and we get the chance to play Citrus United again. Wish us luck. These games will be played on Feb 23 and 24th. Sorry this post was way behind but I have been working everyday to ensure that I have these up coming games off!

Saturday, February 02, 2013

Birthday Game & Party

     Not much to tell about the today's game as the team took on the Hernando Heat. Our boys opened it up right from the beginning and  taking the game by controlling the ball and the score board in the end the score was 6-0 and another Victory. 

     To add to the game today we had a bigger crowd than we have had as we had extended families from out of town for three of our players.

     After the game we had a good turn out for Austin's Birthday Party including some of the girls soccer team and other Nature Coast Competitive Soccer teams and coaches.