Sunday, November 18, 2012

Fourth and fifth game

     The fourth game I can not comment on as I missed it. So All I can do is report the results here or you can click the link at the right and get the entire stats but I am happy to say the team won 10-2.

    The fifth game was actually a very good game as well. Not much to report here other than the out come which I admit was a surprise as I expected a high score game last week but this weeks 9-1 win was nice and unexpected.

     Again click the link on the right and get the full history and on the bottom all the scores is a link to the team stats please take a look to see where we stand in the division.

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Second & Third Game

     Sorry about the lack of posting. However the second game was a good game although we lost 2-1 it's with great regret that I admit we basically scored all 3 goals. The only 2 points for the other team were an unfortunate rebounds off our own players and not full on deserved shots. 
     The third game was another good game putting down a win 4-0 making that a total of 2 shut outs or 3 if you don't count last weeks goals. Our defense with Austin as Captain is ranked #1 in the division out of 3 games only allowing 2 goals (our own misfortune) as the best team in the division has 4 points against them and happens to be the same team that beat us without shooting a goal.